• Oberon solar farm will be constructed in two parts by our affiliate company 174 Power Global– Oberon 1A and 1B. Oberon 1A will be over the span of 1,269 acres and consist of 561,120 solar panels! Oberon 1B will be over the span of 229 acres and 93,856 solar panels. That makes for a total of almost 1,500 acres of land and 655,00 solar panels! This will produce 180 megawatts, and power about 30,000 homes!

174 Power Global is named after the fact that the sun bathes the earth is 174,000 terawatts of solar energy at any given second!

  • Our affiliate company manufactures our own solar panels used! Q- Cells uses solar panels that actually generate power on BOTH sides. They will be installed over natural soil, which provides a considerable amount of reflective generation. (SIDE NOTE: When installed over a white rock, they could generate on average 20-30% more energy!)
  • Q Cells solar panels and tracking system are built to withstand hurricane force winds and 1” sized hail at 125 mph! Not invincible- but close!
  • Pallets used during construction to transport solar panels are cleared of nails and turned into mulch for the project soil. ALL items that are removed from the solar farm after its normal life cycle are recycled.
  • During construction, the solar farm will create over 200 jobs. After completion, 3-5 jobs will live on site and this doesn’t include people off-site like land developers, accountants, etc.
  • Our solar farms are built on a single axis tracking systems. This means they stay flat at night, and face east at dawn, tracking the sun as the day goes by to west, and returning to stow position at night. This allows for maximum energy production by following the sun!
  • Land is surveyed 5 days before construction by environmental surveyors to check for wildlife, and areas of land are preserved for animals like owls and Texas horned lizards. After construction, solar sites provide a natural haven for wildlife!
  • Solar farms typically are at maximum generation for 25-30 years. After this time period there is a decommissioning plan put into place to remove all equipment including piles, modules and wiring from the property, letting it return to its natural state.
  • Solar farms at this scale provide an efficient way to scale power back to the grid mix. It’s great for peak power demands during the day and adapts to energy storage for future use. Of course solar farms can’t do it without the help of the abundant supply of the sun, but it doesn’t have rely on purchasing a fossil fuel to produce energy!
  • The Oberon solar farm is designed to co-exist with oil and gas exploration in the area.  Oberon solar is designed to accommodate future oil and gas exploration on the site.

FUN FACT: The land Oberon sits on, is owned by the “Watt” family… and it produces megawatts… get it?! 😉

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