1. Chariot Energy does not manage your solar panels or battery energy storage system. We rely solely on utility reports for the excess credit volumes.
  2. Customers identified as net-exporters, individuals who produce more electricity than what their home consumes, could be subject to suspension and discontinuance of excess credits.

At Chariot Energy, we have energy plans available for every type of solar fan — including people who already have solar panels!

When you sign up for our Shine 12 Solar Energy Buyback plan, Chariot will credit you real-time market rates for the excess electricity your panels produce, capped at 25¢/kWh.

Enjoy a Great Fixed-Rate Plan

Provide you an affordable 12-month fixed-rate plan for any electricity not produced by your solar panels

Sell Your Excess Solar Energy

Purchase your excess solar energy at a dollar-for-dollar, watt-for-watt energy rate

100% Solar Powered Home

Supplement 100% of the electricity you need with 100% solar energy produced by Chariot and our affiliates

Get Paid for the Excess Energy Created by Your Home Solar Panels

Rooftop solar panels

If your home’s solar panels produce more electricity than you need during the day, you can sell this excess power back to the energy grid. Thanks to a concept called “Net Metering,” you will be compensated for the energy you put into the grid, and at the end of the month, you’ll only be charged for your “net” energy use.

You are eligible for net metering if:

  • You are in a deregulated area of Texas (you can pick your electric company)
  • You have an interconnection agreement with your utility company (CenterPoint Energy, AEP Texas, Oncor Electric Delivery or Texas-New Mexico Power)
  • You have a smart meter installed by your utility

How Does Our Solar Energy Buyback Plan Work?

Getting paid for your solar power with Chariot’s Shine 12 Buyback Plan is simple:

  • Your household utility meter monitors how much
    electricity you used vs. how much electricity your solar system created.
  • If your home produced excess solar energy
    (which often occurs on sunny days during daylight hours), then that electricity
    would go into the electric grid to power nearby homes and businesses.
  • You’d only pay for your “net” consumption: the
    electricity you consumed from the grid when your home’s electricity use exceeds
    the solar panels’ output (which usually happens at night).
  • Only when your solar panels’ electricity
    generation exceeds your gross electricity use would you be monetarily
    compensated in the form of bill credits on future energy bills.