Compare Fixed-Rate Plans in Carrollton

Blaze 6
- 6 months of peace of mind
- 100% green energy powered by solar
- No deposit required for qualified customers †
- Free cancellation within 30 days

Blaze 18
- 18 months of peace of mind
- 100% green energy powered by solar
- No deposit required for qualified customers †
- Free cancellation within 30 days

Blaze 36
- 36 months of peace of mind
- 100% green energy powered by solar
- No deposit required for qualified customers †
- Free cancellation within 30 days
Go Green with Solar Energy Plans from Chariot Energy

It wasn’t too long ago that green energy plans from Texas electric companies got a bad rap. Yes, they made you feel good because of their environmental benefits, but you also paid several cents more per kilowatt-hour than electricity plans created from traditional fossil fuel sources.
Chariot Energy decided that going green shouldn’t be so expensive. We teamed up with affiliate partners to develop utility-scale solar farms in West Texas. By taking advantage of the 300-plus days of sunshine the region receives each year, we can generate large amounts of electricity from 100% solar power. This increased generation from exclusively sustainable sources has lowered the rates in Carrollton for renewable energy plans, so they now cost the same as normal plans!
Saving Your Bill and the Planet with Solar
In the past, only people who could afford rooftop solar panels could use solar power. This cut out people who rented or had odd-shaped roofs from using renewable energy. Chariot Energy is one of the leading Texas energy companies seeking to change the green energy landscape by providing solar energy to more people than ever.
We do this by generating electricity at Texas solar farms and then adding that power directly to the Texas electricity grid. From there, Oncor transmits and delivers that energy to all of the houses in its electricity service area. Since they’re the utility company for Carrollton, TX, Oncor maintains the lines, poles, and meters to ensure you get electricity in your home, including fixing any power outages you might experience.
You then get to bask in the glow of knowing that your eco-friendly decisions are making a difference for everyone — all without installing solar panels on your roof!
Putting the Power of the Texas Sun to Work for You

If you’re wondering how Chariot Energy can verify that you’re using solar power even if you don’t have panels, you aren’t alone. It’s a common question and point of misunderstanding, even for advocates of green energy. That’s why we look for every opportunity to explain how solar power works in Texas.
It all comes down to something called a “Solar Renewable Energy Certificate” or SREC. One of them represents the creation of 1,000 kWh of electricity exclusively from solar sources. Chariot Energy gets one each time we add that much energy to the Texas electricity grid. It’s how we prove all of our electricity is truly generated by the sun because, without the SRECs, anyone could claim they made solar energy.
Are you ready to help us expand the renewable industry in Texas? Are you excited to pick a renewable energy plan that’s affordable and improves the environment? Then choose Chariot Energy today!