1. Chariot Energy does not manage your solar panels or battery energy storage system. We rely solely on utility reports for the excess credit volumes.
  2. Customers identified as net-exporters, individuals who produce more electricity than what their home consumes, could be subject to suspension and discontinuance of excess credits.

Compare Our Top Electricity Plans for Round Rock

Blaze 6

  • 6 months of peace of mind
  • 100% green energy powered by solar
  • No deposit required for qualified customers †
  • Free cancellation within 30 days

Blaze 18

  • 18 months of peace of mind
  • 100% green energy powered by solar
  • No deposit required for qualified customers †
  • Free cancellation within 30 days

Blaze 36

  • 36 months of peace of mind
  • 100% green energy powered by solar
  • No deposit required for qualified customers †
  • Free cancellation within 30 days

What Other Electric Companies in Round Rock Aren’t Telling You

Today, people no longer have to settle for fossil fuel-generated electricity. The old myth that “going green” is too expensive has been debunked. Green energy in Texas is now as affordable as, if not cheaper than, electricity created by burning coal or natural gas.

At Chariot Energy, we want to forever change the way people get power and do it by making your day a little better and a whole lot brighter. That’s why we offer 100% renewable energy plans that are as easy on your wallet as they are on the environment.

To start your own solar energy revolution (and maybe save some money along the way), simply enter your ZIP code below to see the plans we offer in your area. 

Round Rockers Don’t Need Solar Panels to Enjoy the Sun

It’s true: With Chariot, it won’t cost you an arm and a leg to get solar power for your home. It’s as easy as paying your monthly electric bill! We connect you with solar energy without having to install solar panels on your home. No premiums. Just pure, clean energy.

When you sign up for one of our solar energy plans, Oncor Electric Delivery will continue to be your local utility company, which means they’ll take care of the lines, poles, and meters.

Solar Renewable Energy Credits: Why You Don’t Need Panels

If you’re wondering how it’s possible to get 100% solar energy without physically having solar panels, you need to understand Solar Renewable Energy Certificates (or SRECs). Renewable energy has its own currency system, and SRECs are the dollars. They represent all the solar energy available in the Texas energy market today.

One credit is equal to one megawatt-hour (1 MWh or 1,000 kilowatt-hours) of solar energy generated and added to the electricity grid. Once created, SRECs can be sold, traded and even bartered. When you sign up for a renewable energy plan, your Retail Electric Provider (REP) buys these credits on your behalf. 

So, what does this all mean for you? When you choose a renewable energy plan from Chariot Energy, you’re powering your home with green energy that’s produced without creating any emissions or pollution. You’re also investing in our state’s greater solar infrastructure, which means you’re actively reducing your impact on the planet. 

Check out your renewable energy options today by punching in your ZIP code below to see our electric rates in Round Rock, TX. We can’t wait for you to join us on our journey to a cleaner, brighter future!

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