1. Chariot Energy does not manage your solar panels or battery energy storage system. We rely solely on utility reports for the excess credit volumes.
  2. Customers identified as net-exporters, individuals who produce more electricity than what their home consumes, could be subject to suspension and discontinuance of excess credits.

Compare Our Top Electricity Plans in Tyler, TX

Blaze 6

  • 6 months of peace of mind
  • 100% green energy powered by solar
  • No deposit required for qualified customers †
  • Free cancellation within 30 days

Blaze 18

  • 18 months of peace of mind
  • 100% green energy powered by solar
  • No deposit required for qualified customers †
  • Free cancellation within 30 days

Blaze 36

  • 36 months of peace of mind
  • 100% green energy powered by solar
  • No deposit required for qualified customers †
  • Free cancellation within 30 days

Enjoy Affordable Energy Plans in Tyler That Help the Environment

You don’t have to settle for fossil fuel power any longer because it’s “more affordable” or “going green” is too expensive. Chariot lets you power your home or business with 100% renewable energy at rates similar to (or cheaper!) than the traditional “brown power” sold by other Tyler electric companies. 

Chariot’s a different kind of energy company. We’re on a mission to change how Texas electricity is generated, bought, and used by people all over the state — and beyond. Our goal is to strengthen the energy grid, increase demand for clean energy, and create a brighter future for everyone. And we’ll help you save money on your home electric bill!

Tyler Residents Don’t Need Solar Panels to Get Green Power

No tricks or magic here! You can actually get 100% solar power without jumping through any hoops. With Chariot, you avoid the costs to install rooftop solar panels and you also won’t need to change anything about your lifestyle. We connect you to solar power — it’s as simple as paying your electric bill each month. 

Enter your ZIP code below to see our available plans and electricity rates in the Tyler area. When you sign up, you’ll continue to enjoy utility services from Oncor Electric Delivery.

How Renewable Energy Works in Texas

We’ve talked an awful lot about how you don’t need solar panels with Chariot Energy, but how is this possible? It’s all thanks to a concept called Solar Renewable Energy Certificates (also known as SRECs).

Here’s how they work: For every megawatt-hour (1 MWh or 1,000 kilowatt-hours) of power generated and added to the grid by generators, one SREC is created. Once created, SRECs can then be bought, sold, traded, and even bartered. 

These credits were created as a physical representation of ALL the renewable energy available in the electricity market. Without these solar credits, you couldn’t know for certain that the energy you’re buying was produced from 100% renewable sources.

When you become a Chariot customer, we purchase these credits on your behalf. And since we offer 100% solar plans, you’re simultaneously investing in the Texas solar energy industry and lowering your carbon footprint! 

Are you ready to make the switch?

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