1. Chariot Energy does not manage your solar panels or battery energy storage system. We rely solely on utility reports for the excess credit volumes.
  2. Customers identified as net-exporters, individuals who produce more electricity than what their home consumes, could be subject to suspension and discontinuance of excess credits.

Our planet’s climate is changing, and scientists overwhelmingly agree that human activity is a major cause. This can cause big problems like oceans overflowing, crazy weather, and even messing up the places where animals and plants live. But there’s good news! We can still take action to slow down climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This article will show you ways to fight climate change! We’ll discuss things everyone can do at home and expert’s big solutions.

“Mitigating climate change means reducing the flow of heat-trapping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. This involves cutting greenhouse gases from main sources such as power plants, factories, cars, and farms. Forests, oceans, and soil also absorb and store these gases, and are an important part of the solution.”

Methane and its warming potential

Methane (CH₄) is a colorless, odorless gas that plays a significant role in Earth’s atmosphere. While it’s only present in trace amounts (about 2 parts per million), it’s a much more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide (CO₂). Here, we’ll delve into methane, its warming potential, and the challenges it poses for climate change mitigation.

Warming Potential:

  • Strength: Methane is a far more powerful greenhouse gas than CO₂. Studies suggest it traps about 80 times more heat than CO₂ over 20 years (Source: [invalid URL removed]). This means even a small amount of methane can have a significant warming effect.
  • Lifetime: However, methane has a shorter lifespan in the atmosphere compared to CO₂. Methane breaks down within a decade, while CO₂ can linger for centuries. (Source: [invalid URL removed])

Impact on Climate Change:

  • Rapid Warming: Even though methane doesn’t last as long in the air, it’s still a big problem because it traps so much heat quickly. This makes it a major player in climate change, especially right now.
  • Global Sources: We raise cows, get oil, and dump trash. All this stuff releases methane, a gas that heats Earth fast.

Sources of Methane Emissions:

  • Agriculture: Cows and sheep burp a gas called methane. It’s part of how they digest their food. Manure management also contributes significantly. (Source: [invalid URL removed])
  • Fossil Fuels: Leakage from natural gas pipelines, coal mines, and oil and gas wells releases methane into the atmosphere.
  • Waste Management: Landfills decompose organic waste, generating methane in the process.

Mitigating Methane Emissions:

  • Technological Solutions: We’re building tools to catch this gas from farms (like cow burps!) and landfills (where trash breaks down). This way, it can’t heat Earth!
  • Policy and Regulation: Government policies that incentivize methane capture and encourage sustainable agricultural practices can play a crucial role.

Importance of Addressing Methane Emissions:

  • Near-Term Impact: Cut methane fast, fight warming fast! This gas doesn’t linger like others, so stopping it now makes a big difference right away.
  • Complementary Strategy: We still need to fight regular heat-trapping gas (CO₂), but stopping methane is like another weapon! Since it works faster, focusing on both helps us win the battle against climate change.

Looking Ahead:

  • Stop methane, slow down warming! It’s a big part of fighting climate change and keeping our planet healthy. Technological advancements, policy changes, and international cooperation are essential for tackling this challenge. By addressing this potent greenhouse gas, we can work towards a more sustainable future for our planet.

Additional Resources:

Feasibility and potential of and risk in mitigation

Climate change mitigation is like fighting back against global warming. We do this by figuring out ways to reduce the gases that trap heat in the atmosphere. However, there are also risks and complexities to consider. Can we fight warming? What good can we do? What problems might we face? Let’s look at climate change battle plans.


  • Technological Advancements:
    • Potential: Sun and wind power are getting cheaper, a good fight against fossil fuels! New tech can even grab leftover heat-trapping gas and store it away!
    • Sources: International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA): https://www.irena.org/
    • Facts: Cool new tech is key to winning the fight against warming! It helps us do more to stop it.
  • Policy and Regulation:
    • Potential: Strong government policies like carbon pricing and regulations on emissions can incentivize clean energy adoption and discourage reliance on fossil fuels.
    • Sources: The World Bank – Climate Change: https://www.worldbank.org/en/topic/climatechange
    • Facts: Good rules from governments (policy frameworks) make it fair for everyone to fight warming. These rules help us cut down on heat-trapping gas in a big way.
  • Economic Opportunities:
    • Potential: Fighting warming creates new jobs! People will be needed to build new clean power sources (renewable energy) and make sure things don’t waste energy (energy efficiency). Plus, there will be cool new jobs creating things that help the environment (sustainable technologies).
    • Sources: International Labour Organization (ILO): https://www.ilo.org/
    • Facts: Fight warming, grow the economy! Putting money into clean solutions creates new jobs and businesses. It’s a win-win!


  • Limiting Climate Impacts:
    • Potential: Fight climate change hard, less trouble later! We can stop oceans from overflowing (rising sea levels), crazy weather, and messing up animal homes (ecosystem disruptions).
    • Sources: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC): https://www.ipcc.ch/
    • Facts: Act fast to fight warming, or things get bad! We need to protect our planet for our kids and grandkids.
  • Improved Public Health:
    • Potential: Clean air, healthy people! Stop burning dirty fuels (fossil fuels), fewer lung problems and heart trouble.
    • Sources: World Health Organization (WHO): https://www.who.int/
    • Facts: Double win! Fighting warming cleans the air, so people breathe easier and get sick less. Increased Sustainability:
    • Potential: Clean energy fight! We use less stuff (resources) and take better care of the planet.
    • Facts: Fight warming, live better! We can create a healthier planet where people and nature thrive together.


  • Economic Costs:
    • Risks: The clean energy fight is not cheap! We need to spend money upfront on new tech and stuff (infrastructure) to get started.
    • Facts: Balancing economic considerations with the urgency of climate action is crucial. Policies and financial mechanisms can help manage the costs of transition for different countries and sectors.
  • Social Impacts:
    • Risks: Clean energy is great, but some folks might lose their jobs in the old way (fossil fuels). Governments gotta help these folks find new work (targeted policies and programs) so nobody gets left behind.
    • Facts: A well-managed transition must ensure a fair and equitable distribution of the benefits and burdens of climate action. Reskilling and social safety nets can help mitigate the impact on vulnerable communities.
  • Geopolitical Challenges:
    • Risks: International cooperation is essential for effective climate action, but achieving global consensus on ambitious mitigation strategies can be complex.
    • Facts: Strengthening international cooperation and fostering innovation are crucial for overcoming geopolitical hurdles and accelerating progress towards climate goals.


Climate change mitigation presents a daunting challenge, but it’s not insurmountable. Technological advancements, strong policies, and international collaboration can unlock the significant potential of mitigation strategies. By acknowledging the risks and adopting a comprehensive approach, we can navigate the transition to a low-carbon future and ensure a sustainable future for our planet.

Emission trends and pledges

Climate change is a pressing issue, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions is crucial to mitigating its impact. Here’s a breakdown of emission trends and international efforts to address them, along with relevant sources:

Emission Trends:

  • Upward Trajectory: In the past, the amount of heat-trapping gases in the air (greenhouse gas emissions) has been going up and up. This is mainly because we burn a lot of fossil fuels. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), “[global] total anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions continued to increase between 1970 and 2017” (https://www.ipcc.ch/report/ar6/wg1/).
  • Recent Fluctuations: There have been some ups and downs lately, like emissions going down a bit during COVID-19. But overall, it’s still a problem. The Global Carbon Project reported a “[d]rop of global CO₂ emissions of 5.8% in 2020” due to pandemic-related lockdowns, but emissions rebounded in 2021 (https://www.globalcarbonproject.org/).

Pledges and Commitments:

  • Paris Agreement: This landmark international agreement, adopted in 2015, aims to limit global warming to well below 2°C, preferably 1.5°C, compared to pre-industrial levels (https://unfccc.int/process-and-meetings/the-paris-agreement).
  • Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs): The Paris Agreement is like a big plan to fight climate change. Countries each make their own promise (NDC) about how they’ll cut down on heat-trapping gases and adjust to a warming world. You can find a compilation of NDCs on the UNFCCC website (https://unfccc.int/NDCREG).
  • Net Zero Goals: A growing number of countries and companies are setting goals to achieve net-zero emissions by mid-century. Net zero means removing as much greenhouse gas from the atmosphere as we emit. The United Nations Net Zero Coalition tracks countries and companies with net-zero pledges (https://www.un.org/en/climatechange/net-zero-coalition).


The Road Ahead:

  • Innovation: Cool new tech is key to cutting emissions way down! We need better sun and wind power (renewable energy), ways to use less energy (energy efficiency), and even machines to grab leftover heat-trapping gas (carbon capture). The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) publishes reports on renewable energy trends and innovation (
  • International Cooperation: Countries need to work together (international cooperation) to fight warming in a big way (ambitious climate action). This helps everyone switch to clean energy fairly (equitable transition). The UNFCCC plays a central role in facilitating international cooperation on climate change (https://unfccc.int/).
  • Individual Actions: Big changes are needed, but everyone can help! Use less energy at home, be smart about what you buy (sustainable practices), and together we can make a difference! The UN Environment Programme provides resources and tips for individuals to take action on climate change (https://www.unep.org/).

It’s important to grasp emission trends and international pledges to stay informed about the battle against climate change. While there’s a challenging journey ahead, with innovation, teamwork, and personal efforts, we can strive for a more sustainable future.


  1. www.parliament.nsw.gov.au/lcdocs/other/13023/EDO%20NSW%20-implications%20for%20the%20current%20projects,%20dated%20August%202019.pdf
  2. www.forestresearch.gov.uk/tools-and-resources/statistics/forestry-statistics/forestry-statistics-2018/sources/woodland-area-and-planting/new-planting-restocking/

Other methods to capture and store CO2

Planting trees is a great way to capture carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere, but it’s not the only option. Here’s a breakdown of some other methods being explored for capturing and storing CO2:

1. Direct Air Capture (DAC):

  • Imagine giant machines sucking CO2 directly out of the air. That’s the idea behind DAC! These machines use specialized filters or chemical reactions to separate CO2 from the air.
  • Challenges: DAC technology is still in its early stages and can be expensive. Capturing large amounts of CO2 requires a lot of energy, so ensuring it comes from renewable sources is crucial.

2. Enhanced Weathering:

  • This method mimics a natural process where rocks absorb CO2 over time. Crushed rocks rich in minerals like calcium or magnesium are spread on land or added to beaches. As these rocks weather through rain and sun exposure, they react with CO2 and store it permanently.
  • Challenges: Picking the right rocks and spreading them out in big areas in the right way is important! The long-term effectiveness of this method in different environments is still being studied.

3. Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS):

  • This method combines bioenergy production with CO2 capture. Plants capture CO2 as they grow. Even when we burn special plants (biofuels) or use them to make electricity, we can catch the heat-trapping gas (CO2) before it goes up in the air with special machines! This captured CO2 can then be stored underground in geological formations.
  • Challenges: Ensuring the sustainability of biofuel production and the safe, long-term storage of captured CO2 are key considerations.

4. Carbon Mineralization:

  • This method involves capturing CO2 and then reacting it with chemicals or minerals to create stable solid carbonates. These carbonates can then be stored safely underground or even used in construction materials like concrete.
  • Challenges: Developing cost-effective methods for large-scale carbon mineralization and finding suitable storage locations are ongoing areas of research.

5. Ocean Storage:

  • The vast ocean depths offer a potential storage space for captured CO2. The idea is to inject liquefied CO2 into deep saline formations beneath the ocean floor.
  • Challenges: The long-term environmental impacts of large-scale CO2 injection into the ocean need careful evaluation. Leakage risks and potential effects on marine ecosystems must be thoroughly addressed.

Important Considerations:

  • No single method is a silver bullet. A combination of these strategies will likely be needed to achieve significant CO2 reduction goals.
  • Each method has its own technical and economic challenges to overcome. Research and development are crucial for improving efficiency and reducing costs.
  • Public acceptance and proper environmental safeguards are essential for the successful implementation of these technologies.

By exploring these various methods, we can increase our toolkit for combatting climate change by capturing and storing CO2, paving the way for a cleaner future.

Conserving and improving carbon sink

Carbon sinks are the Earth’s natural heroes in the fight against climate change. Forests, oceans, and soil are like giant warehouses for Earth. They suck up and store heat-trapping gas (CO2) that makes the planet warmer. Protecting and enhancing these sinks is crucial to mitigate climate change and create a more sustainable future.

The Powerhouse Players:

  • Forests: Lush forests act as giant carbon sponges, absorbing CO2 through photosynthesis and storing it in trees and soil. Protecting existing forests and promoting responsible reforestation efforts are vital for maintaining and enhancing this vital sink.
  • Oceans: The vast expanse of the ocean absorbs a significant portion of atmospheric CO2. Phytoplankton, tiny marine plants, play a key role in this process. Keep oceans healthy, they soak up a ton of heat-trapping gas (CO2)! need to protect them and stop dumping junk (pollution) in them. Soil: Healthy soil acts as a hidden carbon sink, storing vast amounts of carbon. Sustainable agricultural practices like no-till farming, cover cropping, and composting can improve soil health and enhance its carbon storage capacity.

Threats to the Champions:

  • Deforestation: Cutting down too many trees (deforestation) for farms, buildings, and bad logging hurts the fight! Fewer trees mean less CO2 storage.
  • Ocean Acidification: As the oceans absorb more CO2, they become more acidic. This can harm marine life, including phytoplankton, which can disrupt the ocean’s carbon cycle.
  • Soil Degradation: Overgrazing herds and dumping too much fertilizer on crops (intensive agriculture) wear out the soil. Less healthy soil means it can’t store as much heat-trapping gas (CO2). Not good!

Strategies for Strengthening the Sinks:

  • Forest Conservation: We need to make stricter rules (regulations) to stop folks from cutting down too many trees (deforestation). Good logging practices and protected forests for the ones we have already – that’s the way to win!
  • Reforestation and Afforestation: Plant new trees on worn-out land (degraded land) the right way (responsible afforestation)! More trees mean more heat-trapping gas (CO2) storage – that’s a win!
  • Ocean Protection: Oceans are champs at storing heat-trapping gas (CO2) too! But we gotta stop dumping junk (pollution) from land, take it easy on the fish (minimize overfishing), and create ocean sanctuaries (marine protected areas) to keep them healthy!
  • Sustainable Land Management: Smart farming! We gotta use methods that keep the soil healthy (sustainable agriculture). Healthy soil stores more heat-trapping gas (CO2) – that’s a double win!
  • Technological Solutions: Cool new tech is on the way! Stuff like putting charcoal in the soil (biochar application) and using special tricks to make rocks suck up more CO2 (enhanced weathering) might help store even more heat-trapping gas (CO2). Keep an eye out!

The Road Ahead:

Conserving and improving carbon sinks is an ongoing battle. Collaboration between governments, businesses, and individuals is crucial for success. Invent new ways (research and development) to keep Earth’s champions strong and fight warming! We also need good rules (effective policy frameworks) to make it happen on a big scale.

Individual Actions:

While large-scale changes are necessary, individuals can also contribute:

  • Reduce consumption: Buy less stuff! If it cuts down trees (deforestation) or hurts the environment (unsustainable practices), don’t buy it. Less pressure on Earth’s champions means they can keep fighting warming!
  • Support sustainable businesses: Fight warming with your wallet! Choose products from companies that care about the environment (sustainable practices) and don’t cut down trees (forest conservation). Be a champion for Earth!
  • Plant trees: Plant a tree in your town! Support folks planting trees elsewhere (reforestation). More trees, more champions fighting warming! Every bit helps!
  • Spread awareness: Educate others about the importance of carbon sinks and the threats they face.

We work together (collaboration) to make Earth’s champions stronger (strengthen carbon sinks)! Less warming, healthier planet – that’s a win for everyone, now and later!

Additional Resources:

This is just the start (foundational understanding) of Earth’s secret weapon (carbon sinks). Learn more from these sources (resources provided) and join the fight against warming! Everyone can help!

Climate change is a tough fight, but we can win! We need to cut down on the heat-trapping gas (CO2) we put in the air (reduce emissions). There are cool new tech options and smarter ways to use energy coming. But Earth also has secret weapons: forests, oceans, and soil! Taking care of them and planting new trees (conserving and improving carbon sinks) makes them even stronger. Together, by working smart and fighting hard, we can create a healthier planet for everyone.

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