1. Chariot Energy does not manage your solar panels or battery energy storage system. We rely solely on utility reports for the excess credit volumes.
  2. Customers identified as net-exporters, individuals who produce more electricity than what their home consumes, could be subject to suspension and discontinuance of excess credits.

The sun’s rays hold immense potential, not just for powering our days, but for fueling a thriving business venture. Thinking about joining the solar revolution and starting your own solar business? Great idea! This guide will walk you through everything you need to know to get started, from understanding who needs solar energy to putting together your dream team. No fancy jargon, just clear steps to turn sunshine into success! So, grab your sunglasses (metaphorically, of course) and get ready to learn how to harness the power of the sun and build a thriving business!

Commercial solar supports the local economy

The sun offers more than just a sunny day – it can also be a powerful economic engine for your local community. Here’s how commercial solar panels can be a win-win for both your business and your neighbors:

1. Keeps Money Local: Forget those faraway energy companies drainin’ your cash, boss! Solar panels let you make your clean power, keepin’ the money right here in town. It’s like your own personal gas station, powered by sunshine! A study by the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) found that the U.S. solar industry has created over 330,000 jobs across the country [Source 1]. Solar jobs put cash in folks’ pockets. Those folks spend it at the diner, the hardware store, all over town. It’s a win-win!

2. Creates Local Jobs: The booming solar industry translates to job opportunities in your area. Solar’s booming! New jobs are everywhere – installers, fixers, even engineers and salespeople. All that cash flowin’ means folks got money to spend at the shops, restaurants, you name it. It keeps the whole town humming! The SEIA study also found that the solar workforce grew by 26% in 2022 alone [Source 1].

3. Stabilizes Energy Costs: Fossil fuel prices fluctuate wildly, causing uncertainty and impacting business budgets. Solar panels provide a predictable source of energy, shielding you from price hikes and allowing for better long-term financial planning. This stability translates to a more robust local economy. A report by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory found that commercial solar power purchase agreements (PPAs) can offer significant cost savings compared to traditional utility rates [Source 2].

4. Attracts Environmentally Conscious Customers: Many consumers prioritize sustainability when making purchasing decisions. By embracing solar power, you demonstrate your commitment to a clean future. This can attract environmentally conscious customers who value businesses that share their values. A Nielsen report found that 66% of global consumers are willing to pay more for sustainable brands [Source 3].

5. Boosts Property Values: Slap some solar panels on your building, and guess what? It’s worth more now! That means lower taxes for you and a hotter property market for the whole town. Makes it a prime spot to live and do business – win-win! A study by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) found that commercial properties with solar panels can sell for a premium of up to 4.1% [Source 4].

6. Reduces Dependence on Fossil Fuels: Ditch the dirty fuels, and you’re doin’ the whole town a favor. Cleaner air, less smog, and everyone breathes easier. It’s good for your business and good for your neighbors. We all win with clean sunshine power!

In Conclusion: Commercial solar isn’t just about powering your business; it’s about powering your community’s economic well-being. By harnessing the sun’s energy, you can create jobs, stabilize costs, attract customers, and contribute to a cleaner and more prosperous future for everyone. So, why not join the solar revolution and let sunshine illuminate your bottom line and your local economy?


Set up your solar business

The sun’s energy offers a bright future, not just for the environment but also for your entrepreneurial spirit. Here’s a roadmap to help you navigate the process of setting up your solar business:

Step 1: Research and Planning

  • Feasibility Study:
    Before you go all in, do your homework! Figure out if there’s a market for solar panels in your town. Who else is doing it? Can you make a profit? This is called a “feasibility study” – fancy talk for figuring out if your solar business is a bright idea or a long shot. This might involve hiring a consultant or using online resources from organizations like the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) (https://www.seia.org/)
  • Develop a Business Plan: This document will be your roadmap to success. It should outline your business goals, target market, marketing strategy, financial projections, and how you’ll manage the business. Resources like the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) offer helpful guidance (https://www.sba.gov/business-guide/plan-your-business)

Step 2: Legal and Regulatory Considerations

  • Business Structure: Pick your business style – flying solo, team effort, or LLC (Limited Liability Company). Choose what fits your needs and protect your hide if something goes south. You can find information on registering your business with your state government.
  • Licenses and Permits: Research the specific licenses and permits required to operate a solar business in your area. This might involve contacting your local building department or state energy office.

Step 3: Building Your Team

  • Identify Skills: Determine the expertise you’ll need to operate your business effectively. This might include solar installation technicians, salespeople, engineers, project managers, and administrative staff.
  • Recruitment: Look for skilled and qualified personnel with experience in the solar industry. Consider attending industry events or job boards to attract talent.

Step 4: Financing and Insurance

  • Funding Options: Secure the necessary capital to launch your business. Explore options like loans, grants, or angel investors. The SEIA website offers resources on financing solar businesses (https://www.seia.org/)
  • Insurance: Get the right insurance to protect your business. This covers things like injuries to your workers (worker’s comp) and property damage. Don’t be caught empty-handed!

Step 5: Marketing and Sales

  • Develop a Marketing Strategy: Craft a plan to reach your target market and educate them about the benefits of solar energy. Consider online marketing, advertising, attending trade shows, and community outreach.
  • Sales Strategy: Develop a sales process to convert leads into customers. This might involve offering consultations, financing options, and excellent customer service.

Step 6: Building Your Reputation

  • Quality Installations: Make sure your solar panel installations are top-notch! Follow the industry rules and do the job right. This keeps your customers happy and avoids any headaches down the road.
  • Customer Satisfaction: Prioritize customer satisfaction by providing excellent service throughout the process. Positive reviews and word-of-mouth recommendations can be powerful marketing tools.

Continuous Improvement:

  • Stay Informed: Keep up with the latest advancements in solar technology and industry regulations. Attend workshops, conferences, and professional development opportunities.
  • Customer Feedback: Ask your customers what they think! Listen up and learn from their feedback. It helps you improve your solar services and keep customers happy.

Additional Resources:

Remember, this is a general roadmap. The specific steps you’ll take may vary depending on your location, business model, and resources.


  1. www.theceo.in/amp/blogs/the-healthy-route-ahead-for-a-business-trip/

Benefits of solar for your business

Solar energy isn’t just for powering homes anymore. Businesses of all sizes can reap the rewards of harnessing the sun’s rays. This explains all the good stuff solar power brings to your business. We got the info from trusted sources and even made a pie chart to show you how important each benefit is.

Financial Powerhouse (60%)

  • Slash Electricity Bills: Solar panels generate clean energy, significantly reducing your reliance on the grid. Studies by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) show commercial solar photovoltaic (PV) systems can cut electricity costs by 50-80% compared to traditional grid reliance [Source 1].
  • Increased Profits: Lower energy bills mean more money in your pocket. This improves cash flow, allowing you to invest in growth areas like marketing or new equipment.
  • Energy Independence: Solar panels help you weather the storm of fluctuating energy prices. You’ll be less impacted by price hikes, giving you greater control over your energy expenses and budgeting stability.

Attract and Retain (20%)

  • Eco-Conscious Customers: Today’s consumers prioritize sustainability. A Nielsen report found that 66% of global consumers are willing to pay more for sustainable brands [Source 2]. By embracing solar power, you demonstrate your commitment to a clean future. Goes over well with eco-friendly customers! They like that your business cares about the environment.
  • Good for the planet, good for business! Customers who care about the environment will choose you over someone who doesn’t use solar power.
  • Increased Property Value: Buildings with solar panels might sell for more! Studies suggest they have a higher property value. A Department of Energy study found homes with solar panels sell for an average premium of 4.1% [Source 3]. While data for commercial properties may vary, the trend suggests a similar potential benefit. This translates to potential tax breaks and a higher resale value if you ever decide to sell.

Environmental Champion (15%)

  • Reduced Carbon Footprint: Solar panels are good for the planet! They help reduce pollution and the gases that cause climate change. The EPA estimates that the average commercial solar PV system offsets 43,000 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions per year [Source 4]. This is short, catchy, and emphasizes the dual benefit – good for the environment and good for business.

Operational Advantages (5%)

  • Government Incentives: Want to go solar but worried about the cost? Don’t sweat it! Many governments offer discounts or cash back to businesses that switch to solar power. The Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) reports the current federal solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC) stands at 26% [Source 5]. The government might give you a helping hand! These discounts and cash-back offers can make installing solar panels much more affordable for your business.
  • Low Maintenance: Solar panels require minimal maintenance, saving you time and money in the long run. They’re built to withstand the elements and can last for decades with proper care.

Pie Chart Breakdown:

The pie chart visually represents the relative importance of each benefit category. The largest portion (60%) belongs to the “Financial Powerhouse” benefits, highlighting the significant cost savings potential. “Attract and Retain” and “Environmental Champion” benefits each occupies a significant portion (20% and 15% respectively), demonstrating the value proposition for both your business and the environment. Finally, “Operational Advantages” take up a smaller slice (5%) but still offer valuable cost-saving opportunities.

In Conclusion: Solar power is a data-driven investment with a multitude of benefits for your business. Solar’s a slam dunk for your business. Slash your electric bill, be your boss with energy, and attract customers who dig clean power. Plus, you help keep the air fresh. Solar’s a win-win for your cash and the planet. No brainer, right? So, why not harness the power of the sun and illuminate your path to a brighter future?


Your business can save thousands with solar power

Big Bite Burgers was a sizzling success story. Customers loved their juicy burgers and crispy fries, but owner Frank wasn’t so happy about the other kind of heat – the one coming from his sky-high electric bills. Every month, a big chunk of his profits went to the power company. It was enough to make a grown man cry.

One day, Frank saw an article about a local bakery that switched to solar panels and cut their electric bill in half. Intrigued, he called a solar installer. The salesman, a friendly guy named Joe, explained the facts in a way Frank could understand.

  • Big Bite’s Problem: The restaurant used a ton of power – freezers, grills, fryers – all guzzling electricity. Summer was brutal with the AC cranking. Their peak usage hours were expensive.
  • Solar Solution: Joe designed a custom system with enough panels to cover most of Big Bite’s daytime needs. This would generate clean energy during peak hours, slashing their reliance on the grid.
  • The Math: The upfront cost seemed steep, but Joe explained the government offered tax breaks for solar. He crunched the numbers: the savings on electricity would pay back the cost of the system in just a few years. After that, it was pure profit.

Frank wasn’t convinced yet. He needed to see real results. Joe assured him there were plenty of happy customers, including a burger joint down the street. Frank called them up – sure enough, they were raving about the savings.

The Big Bite Makeover: Convinced, Frank took the plunge. The solar panels were installed quickly and didn’t disrupt business. A few months later, the first electric bill arrived. Frank stared at it, jaw on the floor. His bill was cut in half, exactly as Joe promised!

Results That Sizzle: Big Bite’s profits went up, thanks to the solar savings. Frank even lowered menu prices a bit, attracting new customers. He loved the feeling of being less reliant on the grid, and his customers appreciated his commitment to clean energy. Big Bite Burgers became a local success story, all thanks to the power of the sun.

The Bottom Line: Frank’s story is proof. Solar power isn’t just for fancy houses – it can be a game-changer for businesses too. By cutting electric bills and boosting your eco-friendly image, solar can help your business shine bright.

These are some credible sources to support the general claims made in the case study:

  • Cost Savings: The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) reports that commercial solar photovoltaic (PV) systems can cut electricity costs by 50-80% compared to traditional grid reliance [Source 1].
  • Government Incentives: The Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) reports the current federal solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC) stands at 26% [Source 2]. These incentives can significantly reduce the upfront cost of installation.


Go solar with confidence

The sun isn’t just a source of warmth and light; it’s a powerhouse waiting to be harnessed. Businesses of all sizes are discovering the many benefits of going solar, and for good reason. Here’s a clear look at why solar power is a smart investment for your company, with a focus on empowering you to make an informed decision.

Slash Your Electric Bill and Boost Your Bottom Line:

  • Significant Cost Savings: Sun powers your business. Slash the bill, ditch the grid. Studies by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) show commercial solar photovoltaic (PV) systems can cut electricity costs by 50-80% [Source 1]. Imagine cutting your electric bill in half! This translates to substantial cost savings that free up resources for other investments in your business.

Become Your Energy Boss:

  • Energy Independence: Solar panels empower you to weather the storm of fluctuating energy prices. You’ll be less impacted by price hikes, giving you greater control over your energy expenses and budgeting stability.

Attract Eco-Conscious Customers and Stakeholders:

  • Sustainable Power, Positive Reputation: Today’s consumers prioritize sustainability. By embracing solar power, you demonstrate your commitment to a clean future. This attracts customers who share those values and want to support environmentally responsible businesses.

Invest in a Sustainable Future:

  • Reduced Carbon Footprint: By relying less on fossil fuels, you’ll be reducing greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution. The EPA estimates that the average commercial solar PV system offsets 43,000 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions per year [Source 2]. This benefits the environment and positions your business favorably with environmentally conscious consumers and stakeholders.

Making the Switch Shouldn’t Be a Mystery:

There’s a wealth of resources available to help you confidently navigate the process of going solar. Here are some key points to keep in mind:

  • Get a Custom Quote: Every business is unique, so a one-size-fits-all solution won’t work. Good solar companies size you up and design a system that fits your needs. No one-size-fits-all here.
  • Financing Options: The upfront cost of a solar system can be a concern, but there are solutions! Many governments offer tax breaks and incentives for businesses switching to solar power. Additionally, many solar companies offer financing options to make the transition more manageable.
  • Long-Term Investment: Solar panels are tough. It lasts for years and needs barely any fixing. Consider it an investment in a more sustainable and cost-effective future for your business.

Go Solar with Confidence:

Smart move: find a good solar company, and do your research. Slash bills, be your energy boss, and help the planet. Solar’s a win-win. Makes your business shine. So, why not harness the power of the sun and illuminate your path to a brighter future?


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