1. Chariot Energy does not manage your solar panels or battery energy storage system. We rely solely on utility reports for the excess credit volumes.
  2. Customers identified as net-exporters, individuals who produce more electricity than what their home consumes, could be subject to suspension and discontinuance of excess credits.

Compare Our Midland Electricity Plans

Blaze 6

  • 6 months of peace of mind
  • 100% green energy powered by solar
  • No deposit required for qualified customers †
  • Free cancellation within 30 days

Blaze 18

  • 18 months of peace of mind
  • 100% green energy powered by solar
  • No deposit required for qualified customers †
  • Free cancellation within 30 days

Blaze 36

  • 36 months of peace of mind
  • 100% green energy powered by solar
  • No deposit required for qualified customers †
  • Free cancellation within 30 days

Here’s How Easy It Is to Be Eco-Friendly in Midland

Did you know that renewable energy is just as affordable as traditional energy that’s generated from fossil fuels? West Texans no longer have to settle for dirty electricity because renewable energy alternatives are too expensive. As an electricity supplier, Chariot Energy offers 100% solar energy plans at rates equal to traditional electricity rates in Midland.

In fact, we’re on a mission to deliver the benefits of solar energy to everyone! We want to change how people view their Retail Electricity Provider (REP) as a promoter of clean energy.

Why pick us as your electric company of choice in Midland? We offer cheap electricity that’s stable and eco-friendly, and we always provide best-in-class customer service.

100% Renewable Energy in Midland

Despite what you may have heard, green energy works just like traditional energy — which means you don’t need solar panels to power your home with 100% solar energy. If you’ve ever received an electric bill, you’re connected to the Texas power grid (run by the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, or ERCOT). So, if you’re connected to the grid, you can get 100% green, clean energy for your home and family.

Think you’re ready to make the switch? We offer a variety of plans through your electric utility in Midland, TX: Oncor Electric Delivery (your region’s Texas Transmission and Distribution Service Provider, or TDSP). Enter your ZIP code below to see the plans we offer in your particular region.

How Green Electricity Plans Work in Midland, TX

Are you interested to know how your green energy plan works? Then let’s discuss Solar Renewable Energy Certificates, or SCRECs, which represent every single cent of solar energy on the market today — including the solar energy that Chariot and our affiliates produce!

These credits are like the currency of solar energy. If they didn’t exist, you couldn’t tell if the electricity you purchase is green or not! These credits (which they all do) are like an insurance policy — they guarantee that your green energy plan is valid and that you’re an actual consumer of clean, green, squeaky-clean power.

Here’s how SCRECs are produced: For every one megawatt hour (1 MWh or 1,000 kilowatt-hours) produced by renewable energy generators one SRECE is created. Credits can then be bought and sold by Retail Electricity Providers (like Chariot). When you choose a green energy plan, your REP purchases these credits on your behalf, which ensures you’re investing in solar energy infrastructure and lowering your carbon footprint at the same time.