Choosing to not be energy-efficient in your home is the same as taking a torch to your wallet. In both cases, you’re wasting your hard-earned money on electricity you never needed to use in the first place! At Chariot Energy, we care about people using green energy and helping them save energy. We believe you can use less electricity without sacrificing your comfort or lifestyle.
To help with this mission, we’ve gathered every article we’ve written about how energy efficiency translates to real savings on your electricity bills. Our tips range from simple suggestions like when to change your air filter to more arduous tasks that require you to spend a little to save a lot.
Ultimately, our goal is to help you reduce the energy you use so you can save some money and live a more sustainable life. Onward!
Determine Which Electricity Plan is Right for You

Our Electricity Shopping Guide
The first step in saving money on your electricity bill is having the right electricity plan. Making adjustments to boost your home’s energy efficiency won’t mean a thing if you’ve got a bad plan with an even worse energy rate. We share our top five tips on shopping for electricity here.
Which Energy Plan is Right for Me?
Now that you know how to shop for electricity, it’s time to pick your plan. If you don’t know the difference between a variable-rate or a fixed-rate plan, we make it easy with this quick and simple guide.
What’s a Wholesale Energy Plan?
The new energy plan on the block, the rate for a wholesale energy plan depends upon the fluctuating wholesale electricity market. Learn more about what makes this plan attractive to some people and determine you want to ride the wholesale rollercoaster.
How to Save on Energy in Every Season

Best Winter Thermostat Temperature
Avoid the thermostat wars with your family with this helpful article on the best temperature for your home in winter. We consider your bill and your family’s comfort level.
Best Summer Thermostat Temperature
Summer’s here, and it’s brought all the usual heat and humidity. Escape the high temperatures and a high electricity bill with our simple guide to summer thermostat settings.
8 Summer Energy Saving Tips that Really Work
Once the thermostat is set, there’s more you can do to beat the heat! Stop worrying about which direction your fan’s spinning and follow these 8 tips that actually work to save you money.
Tips to Save Energy Any Time of the Year

30 Ways to Boost Home Energy Efficiency
Yes, 30! We share everything we know, from simple suggestions to ambitious alterations. The less energy you use, the cheaper your electricity bill will be.
9 Ways to Save Even More Money on Your Electric Bill
We found 9 more tips to help you! In this article, we take a holistic view of your home and pinpoint the areas where you could save the most.
What Uses the Most Electricity in Your Home?
Shocker — it’s your HVAC! Instead of focusing on the obvious, we reveal the top 10 appliances in your home that consume the most electricity. We then offer actionable and practical tips for reducing their consumption.
The 29 Easiest Ways to Conserve Energy
From the laundry room and shower to the kitchen and garage, we address how to make nearly every room in your home as energy-efficient as possible. We left no stone unturned!
How Your Air Filter Affects Your Bill
One of the easiest ways to save money on your electric bill is to change your air filter on a regular basis. We explain why and how often you should replace it.
Vampire Electricity Explained
Put down the garlic and wooden stakes. Vampire electricity refers to the $200 that the average household wastes each year on electricity — courtesy of certain electronic devices that keep working even when they’re “off.”
For even more resources on how to save energy (and dollars) on your energy bill, visit Chariot University! →