1. Click the link to visit the Texas Rent Relief tenant application to apply for assistance with unpaid utility bills.
2. New Users must first register their account before they can sign into the portal and begin their application.

3. Sign into the portal to review all components of the Texas Rent Relief Program. Please ensure you have selected the tenant rental & utility assistance application.
4. Read the Program Overview to understand criteria, landlord participation (if needed) and documentation (Government issued ID, rental agreement, 2020 tax return) that you will need to include in your application.

5. Be sure to click the “Complete & Continue” button at the bottom of each page to ensure your application progress is captured. If you need to leave the application to finish at a later date – please click the “Save” button.

6. Refer to the boxes on the left hand side of the application to monitor progress as you complete each section of the application. A green checkmark will appear when each applicable section has been submitted using the “Complete & Continue” button.

7. If at the end of the application a green box is not check marked – the application will be listed as “in progress” and will not be submitted for review and approval. Please ensure all boxes have check marks next to them which means the application is in line for review.

8. Press the “Complete & Submit” at the bottom of the Submit section to complete your application. Please check your email address for confirmation email.

9. If for some reason you need to edit or provide additional documentation with your application please call the following number to speak with a Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs representative – 1-833-989-7368 (Monday to Saturday 8AM – 6PM).
Click the Tenant FAQ page for any additional questions you might have regarding your application and how to complete.