1. Chariot Energy does not manage your solar panels or battery energy storage system. We rely solely on utility reports for the excess credit volumes.
  2. Customers identified as net-exporters, individuals who produce more electricity than what their home consumes, could be subject to suspension and discontinuance of excess credits.

At Chariot Energy, our solar energy plans can save you money on electricity while also protecting the environment! Whether you’re an avid supporter of solar and have rooftop solar panels or just starting out, anyone can reap the benefits of 100% solar energy with one of our solar electricity plans.

View Our Solar Electricity Plans

Blaze 6

  • 6 months of peace of mind
  • 100% green energy powered by solar
  • No deposit required for qualified customers †
  • Free cancellation within 30 days

Blaze 18

  • 18 months of peace of mind
  • 100% green energy powered by solar
  • No deposit required for qualified customers †
  • Free cancellation within 30 days

Blaze 36

  • 36 months of peace of mind
  • 100% green energy powered by solar
  • No deposit required for qualified customers †
  • Free cancellation within 30 days

Compared to traditional energy plans, the energy we harness from the sun is clean and pollution-free. Because solar energy replaces the need for coal and natural gas, our green energy plans have a positive, indirect impact on the environment.

A Solar Energy Company You Can Trust

Our purpose is simple: We’re here to bring solar to all, to forever change the way people get power, and to make your day a little better and a whole lot brighter.

We’re here to squash the myth that solar energy is more expensive or reserved only for those who can afford it. Chariot offers 100% solar electricity rates that are even more affordable than some fossil fuel options!

Switching Electricity Providers is Easy

If you’re ready to switch to 100% solar, we’ll handle everything on the backend once you enroll. Like a solar energy subscription, it’s really that simple!

Our team will contact everyone who needs to know you’re switching providers and ensure that the transition to Chariot Energy is simple and seamless. You can even switch to Chariot Energy up to 60 days on most plans, locking in today’s rate and starting as soon as your current contract ends. We’ll automatically switch you when your contract ends with your other provider.

However, if you decide to switch before your current contract ends, we do recommend checking your retail electricity provider’s Terms of Service to ensure you aren’t subject to an early termination fee.

How Our Solar Electricity Plans Work

Even after the sun sets, your home is still being powered by solar energy. How? Well, let’s talk about Solar Renewable Energy Certificates (SRECs) and why they’re important: Every green energy plan ever created is based on these.

We think of them as the “money” of solar — they’re representative of all solar energy on the market today and available for use. Without SRECs, power companies couldn’t ensure that the electricity you’re paying for is actually renewable. For solar power to be considered a SREC, we must add it to the electric grid.

What this means for you: When you enroll in a solar electricity plan from Chariot, you’re not only powering your home with renewable energy, but you’re also investing in the larger solar infrastructure and reducing your impact on the environment. So, are you ready to help us make the future a whole lot brighter?

We Also Offer Plans for Solar Panel Owners

In addition to offering solar without the panels, Chariot also offers plans for people with solar panels on their homes! With our Rise 12 Solar Energy Buyback plan, we’ll credit you for 100% of the energy your panels produce.

You’ll only pay for the net electricity you use, which means if your panels produce more electricity than you use, we’ll pay you in the form of future bill credits.

To learn more about our renewable energy buyback program, click below.

Terms and conditions apply†